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Saturday, January 15, 2011

Me...A Writer?

Don't let me confuse you, I will never profess to be a writer. I'm just not that good at it, I'm well aware that it's one of my greatest weaknesses. That being said, I've started a blog to make a collection of all of the things that bring me JOY!

This life is full of many hard and difficult trials. I know this from first hand experience. But I'm of the strong opinion that we need to focus on the GOOD, POSITIVE things in life. I remember a time when everyone was doing the gratitude journals, (Oprah did a show on it). I thought that it was a great idea! So I'll think of this as my 'Gratitude Journal.'

I'd love to hear from all of you...please feel free to post stories, pictures, ordeals that you've had to overcome, and how your faith and attitude have pulled you through.

As you will notice, I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. My faith has seen me through some pretty hard times, and I'm very thankful to have the gospel in my life, I just don't know what I'd do without it!

I've posted many sites that will be helpful for me in preparing lessons, doing family history, etc., and I'm hopeful that maybe it will be helpful to others as well.

Thank you for visiting my blog....I'm just getting started, so it's far from being what I'd eventually like it to be....but it's a start!


  1. Beautiful blog! This is a very fun thing to do. And you ARE a good writer!
    Have a terrific week!

  2. Mom, you know you want to change my picture!!! I just know you do!!

    PS, your first post was very nice. One thing, the only way we can post on your blog is through comments, as it is YOUR blog! :) Glad to see you in blogland! :) And glad I could help you set it up.
